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"I started night riding a few years ago. I've tried a bunch of lights. They're ok, but the MB6 is taking it to a new level."

“Full On Lighting is my new go to for night riding! Makes jump trails at night a breeze with its wide angle lighting, no longer need to run two lights and pack around the extra weight when you can have one quality light”

"Full On Lights are amazing! If you wear it as a helmet mount you don’t need a handlebar mount because it’s so bright that it actually overpowers the bar lights. You will love these lights."

"This light is a game changer. I was skeptical that I could ride with just the helmet light in place of my two light setup. But this light eliminated the “hot spots” and lit everything in my field of view evenly."

"I did my first ever night ride with the MB6, and it was incredible. Installation was as easy as mounting a GoPro, and the light was plenty bright for shredding trails. I also loved the "hangout mode" for chatting without blinding friends. Can’t wait to ride again!"

"This thing is amazing and completely exceeded my expectations. I'm beyond thrilled with the light and it definitely makes night riding more enjoyable!"

“These lights are very impressive. Light weight, very bright & only needed a light on my helmet. The “active” mode works so good!!”

Full On Lighting nació de una pasión de toda la vida por el ciclismo de montaña. Basándonos en nuestras décadas de experiencia en el mundo de la iluminación solar comercial para exteriores, nos propusimos crear una luz que hiciera que andar de noche fuera más seguro y divertido para todos. Nuestro primer producto, el MB6, está diseñado para ofrecer una experiencia de conducción nocturna inigualable y permitirle andar como si fuera de día.

Un nuevo enfoque en las luces para bicicletas, diseñado para permitirle concentrarse en la conducción, mientras nosotros nos encargamos del resto.

Diseñado para que puedas ver mejor, andar más rápido y estar más seguro, porque andar de noche debe ser divertido. Combinando la gestión inteligente de la energía con un diseño óptico transformador, prepárate para andar como si fuera de día.